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The AI OS Idea

Windows. The Mac OS. Linux. I know these are probably the most popular operating systems available for computers today (there might be others, but these are the ones I'm sure of right now, at least). 

Most definitely, the computer has come a long way - right from the days when, as children (some of us anyway), we saw them as those fascinating devices that worked with dark screens and bright scrolling green text to today when they have all these wonderful graphics displayed to make using them a lot easier... and fun. Apple Computers in the 1980s really changed the nature of computing with the introduction of operating systems using Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) - you used a mouse and communicated with your computer by clicking on various descriptive images on your screen. Microsoft's Windows saw to it that today, millions of computer users wouldn't even dream of using a computer with an operating system which was not GUI-based. It's not only operating systems that are GUI-based, but most software people use on their computers (there are still some programmes which are better run in the text-based MS-DOS environment or even straight at machine code level).

Yes, the easier things are for humans, the more productive and happier they can be. The Information Age has really changed human life and interactions as we know it and, I believe, will stand out prominently in history.

So, would it be safe to say in the near future the computer will be "man's best friend"? Hmm, there are signs...

Of course, one would need to be able to communicate effectively with one's best friend. That's when the idea suddenly popped into my mind - AI OS. Make any sense?
Heh-heh, what I mean is Artificially Intelligent Operating Systems that would become the next big thing for running computers. Maybe.

Imagined features of an AI OS:

  • It would possess all the current features of operating systems (GUI, audio, video and all that) with the added ability to interact quite intelligibly with the users, that is, through verbal communication with the user or written 'chat' statements. It could have it's interactive option turned off so it runs as a regular OS.
  • It would need to be able to question the computer user (asking the basic what, why, how, where, when, who questions) in order to learn and keep learning each time it is used thus growing smarter each day just like a child growing up and observing the world.
  • Using it's 'what' questioning capabilities and possibly other functions, it could be taught to identify not only words and text, but pictures, video and audio as well and be able to differentiate between them.
  • The computer user is given the opportunity to develop the kind of character or personality he/she desires for the AI OS and thus his/her computer.
  • The AI OS can be trained, through the learning process, into a specific field field of knowledge or line of work - for instance, a doctor's computer would have an AI OS specifically trained for medical work, the AI OS becoming enough of an expert to correct the doctor when he/she makes errors while working (hey, the doc trained it!). The ideal working companion, it 'observes' (working on the data you feed it or watching you via a web cam) you while you work, offering assistance wherever it can.
  • Talk about morals, ethics and values - you could even teach your AI OS to recognize, for example, the nasty kinds of websites you don't want displayed on your browser (how ever long it takes wouldn't really matter because it would just be like teaching a child the difference between good and bad, all the AI OS has to ask you is "why"; it might get confused sometimes but after a while it should be able to get things just as you want them - it's learning everyday)
  • When there's nothing else to do, you can actually sit down and chat with your AI OS just like you would with people you don't always have to see in an online chatroom. It would present a lovely way to arrange your thoughts and solve problems bugging you - after all, if you trained your AI OS to think and behave like you then asking it questions would be like thinking by yourself and taking decisions.
  • Though the developers would provide you with updates from time to time to enhance the performance of your AI OS, it also would continue to upgrade its capabilities with the knowledge it acquires from you as the days, in fact years go by.

Some things to be considered for developing such an AI OS:

  • Who would want it? Do we really need it?
  • How much is it going to cost the developers and the final consumers alike? Would it be worth it?
  • How much disk space and memory would be needed for it? Would it be a feasible amount?
  • Hey, would it really work?
  • I wish I could sponsor myself to a postgraduate degree course in Information Technology or something and learn some programming skills to be able to take on such an AI OS development challenge.

Well, let's see if Apple, Microsoft or somebody out there thinks this is a good idea and goes on to develop it.

- Ikani.



Some more imagination: